Bun #3

pregnancy calendar

Monday, October 4, 2010

Turning a Corner

Into week nine and I'm starting to feel better. I've tried ginger tea and ginger chews for my nausea but I think the B6 is what's really helping. Either that or my hormones are leveling out and this is when I'd start feeling better anyway. Let's just say I'm glad to have those four weeks behind me! I'm looking forward to feeling the baby move. Right now I don't "feel" pregnant other than a slightly bigger tummy, and it's comforting when you can feel the little kicks and hiccups and stuff.

I already have a little baby bump and I've made the switch from trying to hide it to trying to show it off. I gained five pounds rather quickly but I've been maintaining that weight for several weeks now which makes me feel better. I should start exercising again. It's so easy to put it off, and now I have a cold which is making me feel all achy.

I'm realizing my one-on-one time with Desmond is limited. What a sweet time these two years have been! I want to maximize our time for the remaining seven months and make some fun playdates and outings with him. I also want to find some good kid's books on welcoming a new sibling to the family and start reading those with him.


Beth said...

Hey I just realized something...your ticker says you are 10 weeks and 2 days along. Today Kaitlyn is 10 weeks and 3 days old! Perfect, now I have a way to remember how far you are :)

Melissa said...

I've noticed that too. When I read your blog I'm reminded how far along I am by how old you say Kaitlyn is. Can't wait til she's 40 weeks old!