I had another ultrasound today at exactly 30 weeks to check baby’s growth. I was supposed to have one in January but cancelled it due to finances. These things cost almost $400! Since I was in the hospital recently I’ve nearly met my out of pocket maximum and at the most I’ll only have to pay 20% now. The cardiologist really wants me to continue checking up on her via ultrasounds and I am glad to see her again anyway.
Everything checked out fine. She’s growing well and is in the 83rd percentile which is excellent. She weighs about 3.5 pounds now and we could see her practicing her breathing. The above pictures show her face straight on and from the side (the top of her head is on the left). It looks like she has chubby little cheeks. The technician could also see hair on her head.
The new thing I learned is that she’s currently in the breech position. It’s still okay since she has time to turn, but I’d feel better if she were already head down. As she gets bigger it will be harder to turn, and I don’t know that I want to attempt a breech VBAC. She was head down for my December ultrasound sitting so low they had a hard time seeing her face. She tends to move a lot so maybe she’s been flipping back and forth. Currently her back is on my left side and I feel all the action from those arms and legs on the right.
Here are her earlier ultrasounds:
Sept. 17, 2010 – 8 weeks Oct. 21, 2010 – 12 weeks
Dec. 3, 2010 – 19 weeks