Bun #3

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Monday, March 10, 2014

It's a Girl!

After Fridays evening's repeat non-stress test we decided to move forward with a repeat cesarean on Saturday morning.  The fluid levels were up within a normal range, but the heat rate had more dips than before.  The straight cord was also still observed.  

Friday night we prepared, packed, tidied up the house and made a last minute grocery trip.  We called Aunt Marcia and she came the following morning at 7 am.  Davin and I said goodbye to the kids and left for the hospital at 8 am.  

We arrived by 8:30 for my two hours of surgery prep which had an additional two hours of waiting due to the surgeon and anesthesiologist in turn being needed elsewhere.  I waited hooked up to the monitor listening to the galloping horse hooves of my baby's heart beat.  Davin read to me which always relaxes me.

Finally a little after noon everyone was ready and it was my turn.  I got nervous.  The IV had been bad enough to get in and occasionally stung.  I had to hold my wrist a certain way to help the fluids flow the way they should.  Now it was time for the worst of it - being separated from Davin while I was prepped in a bright operating room surrounded by staff in masks and getting a spinal poked in my back.  

Thankfully the staff was most wonderful.  My nurse, Melissa, was kind and talkative which helped my nervousness.  The anesthesiologist lightened the mood by telling jokes though he had a bit of trouble with the spinal because I wasn't rounding my back enough.  It's hard to bend over a pregnant belly!  Also my midwife, Patty, was there and has a mothering presence.  I trusted her recommendation for this surgery knowing she wanted my VBAC if it was a safe choice.

The spinal finally went in, I was laid back as the warm heaviness took over my legs.  The curtain was raised and Davin was by my side holding my hand.  It wasn't long before I could feel the pressure of strong tugging I knew meant baby was emerging.  

The magical moment of birth.  Life's first cry.  My own tears of happiness and relief.  I wasn't able to feel it or see it as I wished, but baby was here and that's all that matters.  Everyone knew not to blurt out the gender.  I wanted to see for myself.  They counted down the seconds to allow the cord to pulse for a full minute before camping.  That was the longest minute.  Then baby was brought around the curtain and I could see.  A girl!  A beautiful, perfect, healthy girl.  I watched the nurses clean and weigh her to my left side while the doctor stitched me up.  I couldn't take my eyes off her. Now we knew her name: Brielle Moya Grace.  She was 8 pounds 9 ounces, 21.5 inches long with a 14 inch head.  

Soon she was swaddled and in Davin's arms.  He brought her close to me so I could touch and kiss her.  Once the doctors were done Brielle was given to me for the ride to the recovery room.  While I was observed Brielle nursed for the first time.  Melissa also made her a cute hat with a bow and gave her a quick bath.  They were concerned with my heavy bleeding for a bit but it finally slowed.  Feeling started to return to my legs.  I was eager to finish the two hour recovery period and move tommy room so we could show her off to Nana and Papa who we're waiting.  

I forget if it was in the operating room or recovery, but we learned why this birth wasn't meant to be vaginal.  Brielle's cord was only a little more than half as long as the normal three foot cord.  Also there was a straight section of cord with a kink at the end of it held in place by scar tissue.  We knew about the straight section from the non-stress test but not the kink.  If she had descended into my pelvis or birthed vaginally there was a good chance her life support would have been cut off.  God's plans are perfect and I'm so thankful for the wisdom of the midwife who felt something wasn't right.  Brielle, which means "from the high hill or one who ascends" was meant to stay high and disengaged even at 41 weeks until I was ready to learn of and accept Gods plan.

As for God, His way is perfect; The word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him. (Psalms 18:30 NKJV)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

So precious! What a blessing that she arrived safely and is a healthy baby. Congratulations on your new little princess. :)