Bun #3

pregnancy calendar

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Belly Button Kicks

I've noticed that my belly button is changing shape. I've always had a tight belly button where the sides touched making more of a vertical line. (It's kind of hard to describe.) Anyway, now my belly has stretched enough to where I have a nice open round belly button. I can actually stick my finger in it for the first time ever! (Addison would love it.) I'm thinking I might get an outtie before this is over.

I think I feel a kick every now and then. It's a quick, sharp jabbing sensation that's definitely not a cramp. Movement still isn't consistent yet, and it is usually subtle or quick enough that I wonder if it's really the baby.


Justin Bodeutsch said...

my belly button is now a completely different type than before i had kids. it is so crazy how your body can do all this stretching! i used to think i would be depressed if my stomach looked funky after kids, or if i had stretch marks or something, but it doesnt bother me, it actually is kinda sweet cuz i think of how it got to be that way to begin with and that makes me smile (=
and holding your baby for the first time is the best thing EVER!!!

Sarah said...

Yeah, I thought for sure I would have an outie towards the end because I just kept stretching and stretching, but nope - it stayed inside - just REALLY stretched out. :P