Bun #3

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Friday, February 1, 2008

Down with a Stomach Bug

On Tuesday night I started feeling pretty woozie. I wasn't sure if the baby or my stomach was the one doing somersaults. I woke up at midnight and after sitting in the bathroom for an hour my stomach confirmed that it wasn't the baby. I'm still not sure if I had the flu or food poisoning, but it wasn't pleasant. (Man, am I glad I got to skip morning sickness! This was awful!) I only got sick twice, but I felt pretty bad all Wednesday and part of Thursday and ran a low fever. I called the doctor to make sure the baby and I were okay, and they told me what to look out for. After lots of rest, I am feeling much better today. I was glad to be able to eat my first full meal for dinner last night.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Wow, you're already at 18 weeks! Time is going fast!