Bun #3

pregnancy calendar

Friday, April 18, 2008

3rd Trimester is Here!

So, I've officially reached the 3rd trimester mark. That's exciting! I wonder how much bigger my belly's going to get? So far, this whole pregnancy has gone by pretty fast, but I imagine as the time gets closer and I get more excited and more uncomfortable, time will creep by... especially once we hit July. We shall see. I still feel like we have a lot of stuff to do before we're ready, the most basic being picking a name and getting a car seat. There's still time, though.

I've had a miserable cold all this week that seemed to come out of the blue. I'm still dealing with way too much snot and an annoying cough. That makes the second time I've been sick this pregnancy, although I much prefer this cold over the flu or whatever it was I had last time. I was also realizing earlier this week when I was stretched out on the couch in my pjs and robe that this is the last time I'll be sick on my own. (Hopefully I can stay well for at least a few months.) Next time I'll have a little baby depending on me no matter how crummy I feel. Oh, boy!

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