Bun #3

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My Weekly Check-Up with the Doctor

Tom cancelled all his appointments so I had to see someone else for my weekly check-up today. Kaiser's schedule has been very tight so it's hard to get the appointments you need. I was kind of thinking we could just skip this week, but I'm supposed to be seen every week now so they found a way to squeeze me in with a nurse practitioner. After haggling with the check in lady about some insurance stuff (why can't they get it right?) I found out they were running behind and I'd have to wait an extra 45 minutes. Grrr. It was lunch time, too, and silly me forgot to bring a snack. Double grrr. Thankfully I had Enchanted on my iPod to keep me entertained until I was finally seen.

The news for today: I will get the results of my beta strep test back next week to see if I'll need to be on antibiotics during labor (please, no). Baby's heartbeat is nice and strong and he is dropping down a little. I didn't gain any weight this week and the doctor kept reminding me to keep eating. Oh, I do! I'm just eating better and exercising. I also had my first internal exam, and she said I am about 1 cm dilated and 30-40% effaced. She said that's right on track for being about 3 weeks away. Cool! So stuff is happening.


Samantha said...

hi, I'm a high school friend of Davin's and had a baby last year. I'm delurking to say I was positive for strep but it wasn't too big a deal. They can do the IV antibiotics at the start of labor, then remove it but leave a heplock in in case they need to give you another dose, which they do every eight hours I think (I was only in labor for 7 so I never got another dose). It's still annoying but not as bad as a full time IV.

Best of luck and enjoy the calm before the storm!!

Unknown said...

Ahhhh yes. The pleasure of the Kaiser experience!