Looking familiar! I’m getting bigger, but in comparison it looks about the same as I did at 20 weeks with Desmond. I’m enjoying feeling her move around all the time. It’s a daily thing now, and I wonder if she’ll be more of a mover than Desmond was. Yesterday I had the first big kick that made me go, “Whoa!” and probably could have been seen on the outside if I was looking.
I feel more relaxed this time around. I’m not pouring over What to Expect When You’re Expecting or worrying about every twinge I feel. We’re not signed up for a birthing class though we’ll probably take a one day refresher course through the hospital at some point. I want to be prepared for a VBAC or cesarean if I need one again.
The one book I have been reading is the name book. I want to put together a short list for Davin and I to look over together. Last time we read through the whole section of boys names on date nights at coffee shops and the airport, but we don’t have as much time together these days.
I’ve been knitting a blanket since shortly after I found out I was pregnant, but it’s taking me a lot longer than it took me to make Desmond’s blanket. I’m only about half way so far. I also bought another quilt kit just like Desmond’s beloved blanket except in pinks and purples. That will be fun to put together!
It feels great to be half way through as of today! Davin and I were just discussing how it still feels like it’s taking a long time even though they say the second one just flies by. I bet it will feel a bit shorter at the end when I still have a long list of things I never got done before my due date. We have more planning to do this time, too, because we’ll have to find someone who can take Desmond for a few days at a moment’s notice and make sure he’s packed for that as well as us being packed for the hospital. It’s going to be interesting!
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