Bun #3

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Friday, March 21, 2008

Last Night's Dream

I had a fairly detailed dream about the baby last night. Actually, in my dream I had triplets and was confused as to how the doctors couldn't see more than one baby in the previous ultrasounds. Labor went really quickly and painlessly, and I think we were at home. The first baby was the boy we are expecting, the next one was a girl, and the last one was another boy, but I had to search for him in a large pool of water and he wasn't breathing. After I resuscitate him, I held him for awhile and nursed him. He had a little trouble at first, but finally latched on. After he was settled down I went out to see my other two babies, and Davin had them sleeping in a box with a foam liner under them and on top of them. I freaked out that they were suffocating, but Davin gave me that "I'm not stupid" look and assured me they were fine. And they were. At that point I was worried about getting them all mixed up with each other, but Davin already had bracelets on them with their names. I was really upset that he named them without me and that none of them had any of the names we talked about. But it was already done and these were their official names: Adono, Speek (this was the girl), and Harbor. Ack! Where did he come up with those!


LeRoy Lee said...

Names like that can only be prophecy! Let me see Adono Danger Studer..hm, Harbor Danger Studer, Ding Ding, that is a winner!

gleefulgirl said...

I shared the names you dreamed about with some ladies at Baby Boot Camp, and they loved them :) Go figure. I like Harbor myself, but I thought you said Harver when you shared the story with me, which I like even better. LeRoy likes it too...hmmm, and baby boy Lee name? :)