Bun #3

pregnancy calendar

Thursday, March 24, 2011

39 Days

This week I have had my 34 week prenatal check up, an ultrasound, and a non-stress test.  Everything is checking out fine, but if she so much as hiccups funny, we’ll know!  She’s still growing well and is in the 70th percentile at 4lbs 14oz. 

My main struggle right now is being sick!  I got sick the day before my birthday with congestion and a 3-day fever.  We have yet to reschedule my birthday dinner out.  I’m still coughing a lot and have a sinus headache.  The cough is hard enough that I can’t have much in my bladder or it’s a problem.  I’m finally sleeping a bit better so I’m on the upswing.  I have projects I want to get done before the baby comes, but this has kind of wiped me out for the last two weeks.  I hope next week is better. 

Thirty-some days doesn’t sound very long!  Wow.  She’s going to be here before you know it!

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