Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Moving the story to thestuders.blogspot,com
Monday, May 16, 2011
My Birth Story
On May 9, 2011 I was scheduled to check in to the family birth center at Southwest Washington Medical Center at 6:30 pm. If my cervix was favorable they would induce and if it wasn’t they would perform a repeat cesarean. It felt so strange walking in not in labor and knowing I would be walking out with my baby.
My OB doctor, Tricia Wright, was working that night and it was comforting to have that familiarity as we made our decision. My cervix was one centimeter, and though I was having contractions, I couldn’t feel them. Dr. Wright was willing to let me try labor, but there was only a slight chance they could get me to progress into labor and according to their calculations if I did go into labor there was a greater than 50% chance it would end in a cesarean anyway. We opted for the repeat cesarean and by 8:00 pm I was getting prepped.
Everything was calm and I was at peace with our decision as the surgery began. It was such a different experience than the rush and fear I felt about Desmond’s cesarean. I was still really nervous about being cut open, and getting a spinal instead of being on the epidural was sure different. That thing works fast! I felt better once Davin was allowed into the operating room.
At 8:41 pm Kaylynn Hope Eliana Studer entered the world and we heard her first gurgling cry. They lifted her over the screen so I could see her and I could tell right away that she was smaller than Desmond was. She checked in at 8 lbs 4.5 oz and was 20.5 inches long. I loved the fact that she never left the operating room until I did. Last time Davin left with Desmond shortly after birth to get him cleaned and checked out in another room. I had to stay and get sewed up which felt like it took forever! This time she got checked out right there and then Davin held her next to me while the doctors finished putting me back together.
My parents were there to congratulate us once we were settled in our room. Can you tell Mom is excited? They also got to witness her first bath in our room sink. Kaylynn loved it and didn’t cry at all until they took her out of the water to dry her off.
Kaylynn reminds me so much of Desmond! She has the same cute “Davin” mout
I felt so different after Kaylynn’s birth than I did after Desmond’s. I was refreshed and ready to go rather than absolutely wiped out. In our first family picture with Desmond I look as bad as I felt, in my opinion. This time I was determined to look good with my hair straightened and some make up on. It’s vain, I know, but I enjoy showing off this picture a little more.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Acupuncture and a Hospital Bracelet
The acupuncturist said normally they poke the needles in and leave you for half an hour to relax. For me she did a "more intense" session to try and get things moving. She kept going around to all the needles wiggling them in turn which didn't always feel good depending on which needle it was.
I was glad when it was over and the needles were out. It wasn't too bad, but I wouldn't call it a pleasant experience. The baby was somewhat quiet this morning, but she's been moving around quite a bit more during and since the acupuncture. I hope contractions start! Nothing yet.
This morning I did my pre-op check in at the hospital, filled out paperwork, met with the anesthetist, got a rundown of what would happen, blood work done, and my hospital bracelet put on. I'm officially pre-admitted for Monday evening. My bracelet is just big enough I could squeeze out of it so I don't have to sport it for Mother's Day looking like an escaped patient and can put it back on when we're heading to the hospital.
I wish my cesarean was scheduled in the morning rather than the evening. I can't eat or drink for half of the day and if I am favorable for induction that means starting hungry and laboring through the night. Oh well. She will be born soon and that's all that matters!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Big Enough
Here I am in all my lovely full term pregnancy-ness. My belly is constantly hanging out of the bottom of even my longest maternity shirts. Very annoying. But there are only a matter of days left until she’s out!!!
Today I am 40 weeks, 4 days. I thought for sure she’d come this week. I was right on with when I thought Desmond would be born, but I was wrong with this one. She’s late!
I’m feeling anxious about my scheduled cesarean on Monday evening. Would I go into labor on my own if we waited two more days? Of course, there’s no way to answer that question. Every passing day means she’s growing bigger, and from a medical perspective my chances of a successful vaginal birth are shrinking. I think I’ll feel like I failed if I don’t go into labor on my own and just get wheeled into an operating room. That also means committing to all future deliveries via cesarean so it impacts more than just this birth.
I’ve heard acupuncture can be effective in starting labor. Last time after coming close to being two weeks overdue with Desmond I had a session scheduled, but I ended up cancelling it because I went into labor the day before. I just scheduled an acupuncture session for tomorrow afternoon to see if we can get things started. I don’t like needles, but if it works that would be great! I want to give myself the best chance of at least trying a vaginal birth.
Monday, May 2, 2011
It's My Due Date, I Can Cry if I Want To
I did lab work again today and if my liver is still improving they'll let me go until next Monday. At that point if my cervix is favorable they'll induce, and if it's not favorable they'll do a cesarean. If the labs show that my liver is noticeably worse, I'll be going in this Wednesday to deliver. I could trump all that by going into labor on my own which I hope is the case. I think I'll have Davin give me a foot massage tonight and try to find the supposed labor inducing pressure points.
I feel really uncomfortable. Nothing in my maternity wardrobe seems to fit anymore, and the few things that do make me look like a blimp. I can barely hold Desmond on my lap. I've given up carrying him all together plus the Ergo can no longer buckle around my growing midsection. I can't seem to sleep through the night anymore and get to enjoy baby aerobics around 3 am every morning. I've managed to stay fairly active going on walks and stuff, but now there are moments I just don't want to haul this baby anywhere but to the couch.
Okay, enough lamenting the passing of my due date. I get to enjoy my little family of three for one more day. We're making mini pizzas for dinner.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
It's May!
I've been trying to keep busy and active. Last week included a three hour walk around the zoo and an hour and a half swim with Desmond. Friday I got the car all cleaned out and the car seat in. Now we can't fit anything else in the back seat of our small Honda.
Yesterday I went to the huge kids consignment sale at the Expo Center which meant a lot of walking especially since I don't want to pay the $8 for parking so I take the MAX from the next closest park and ride and walk over. I didn't go crazy at the sale which is hard to do, but got a sling, some swaddlers, a nursing stool, summer hats, swim diapers, and some toys for Desmond since he came with me. Then we went to Davin's Hwa Rang Do tournament for the rest of the day.
I have another check up tomorrow so we'll see if anything is happening yet with my cervix. I'm really hoping she comes this week. My main concern right now is that I don't want her to get TOO big. Here's hoping for some big news to share in a couple days!