We've been trying to get pregnant for 371 days. Everyone around us seemed to be getting pregnant and popping out babies, no problem. I was to the point of looking into infertility testing and had actually gone in for a PAP on October 17th just to get started with something. I've been charting my
BBT and noticed that this was going to be a longer than average cycle. Still, I managed to wait until about 12 days after ovulation before taking a pregnancy test. I took it first thing in the morning and thought I could just make out a faint line. I waited longer and when Davin got out of the shower he verified that yes, there was in fact, a line indicating I was pregnant. I didn't want to believe it just in case it was a fluke, so later this morning I took another test of a different brand. It came back with a more obvious positive. No way! Really? Finally! Oh my, our lives are going to change forever!

I called Kaiser to set up my first prenatal appointment for November 30th. Currently, my estimated due date is July 11, 2008. That's not the best time for my job, but that's ok. We'll figure it out.
It was very strange going to lunch in the cafeteria knowing I was pregnant, but not telling anybody. We want our parents to be the first to know. Tonight I called Mom and managed to get Thanksgiving switched to our house so we can plan out how to surprise everyone with the news.
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