Today Dr. Wright and I discussed where I'm at and the plan for the next few weeks. My second urine collection turned out okay, and last week's blood work showed my liver function high, but holding steady. My daily headaches have been a bit better the last few days. I've stopped taking Tylenol and the headaches follow the same pattern so might as well cut out what medication I can. With everything kind of holding steady we're just going to wait it out. The doctor did say if my weekly labs show an upward trend in high liver functions or I have any other worsening symptoms they'd get me in for a cesarean.
So far my cervix is not favorable for an induction. Nothing is happening yet - understandably so. It's only the beginning of week 38. (It's strange to me that the doctor could reach in there and just barely feel the baby's head - the first one to touch the baby - sort of.) They don't want me to go past week 40, and there will be a lower threshold for fast forwarding me to a cesarean even if I do go into labor on my own. I'm starting to feel that's the way it's going to end up. I imagine next week we'll schedule something for the 40th week just in case I don't go into labor by then.
Tomorrow is the final ultrasound. I'm curious how big they estimate the baby is. That's another factor in leaning toward a cesarean or not. I'm guessing I'm just one that "cooks 'em big and cooks 'em long" as Davin said. The next 14 days will tell.
Two weeks will go by fast, I'm sure... I hope! I'm feeling impatient. I want to keep the house in order, and I need to stock up on some food for both us and the family guests that will be coming in. After the baby is here everyone's going to be on their own for awhile. I'm a Martha so I'm trying to remind myself of that. Family is coming to help, not be looked after.
Side note: We went on a one mile family walk yesterday evening and I'm sore today! Wow, I have a lot of work to do this summer. Then again, I am carrying around a full term baby.
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