This is my 37th week and I'm now considered "full term." Hurray! I feel ready for this baby to come. I'm tired of being pregnant though really it's not all bad. I know from experience the new challenges that come with a newborn. Still I'm feeling impatient, and I hope to be off my heart medication with delivery. Also I'm hoping my daily recurring headaches go away. Yesterday's five hour headache wore me out and made me really cranky, but thankfully I was able to nap through most of today's.
I had another non-stress test today and baby passed with flying colors. My blood pressure was still really good and my pulse was a low 64 which is unusual for pregnancy, but thanks to my medication it keeps things low. A perinatologist was reviewing my chart during my test so I was able to hear his input. Basically they think the high liver function could be due to my medication, but they want to test my blood weekly now and may look at different medications for me. I don't really want to switch to something new with just over two weeks to go. The perinatologist also doesn't want me going over 40 weeks so they'll be on my case if this baby is looking late.
I'm going to do my second 24-hr urine collection this week. Fun, fun! They're looking for protein which could point to preeclampsia, and I guess last week's collection scored a 279 (300 is too high) so they want to check it again. Just know that orange jug in the fridge isn't juice!
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